Windy Ridge School - Wilson Satellite Special Needs Modifications

Q Maintenance delivered this project as Design and Build contractor under a Contract for Special Needs Property Modifications at a group several Auckland Schools.

The refurbishment was extensive and included asbestos removal, raising of bathroom roof structure to accommodate hoists, two fully accessible high dependency bathrooms, one assisted toilet space, installation of two kitchens, a laundry, industrial heat pumps, gantry hoists from classroom to bathroom, new access to the facility via. a newly formed wheelchair-friendly entrance way, and a specialist taxi drop-off stand with a covered way to the classroom entrance.

Ministry of Education
Project Value
June - November 2016
Fat Parrot Architeccture

The details

Works commenced in the school holidays when we were able to undertake demolition and asbestos removal with an empty school and then continued through two school terms. Being a satellite school, Q effectively had three key clients to work with which included the Ministry, the Satellite School who would ultimately use the buildings, and the Host School, who we liaised with on all site logistics, access, and safety during the works.

This project was a huge success on a number of fronts. The project was well designed, run smoothly by our site team, little disruption was experienced by the school, and the end product has been very well received. Windy Ridge / Wilson Satellite has already been used as an example for other proposed Satellite refurbishments and we continue to receive praise from those who use the facility and teach there.

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